Optional intelligent video motion detection provides video content analysis directly at the camera.可选智能视频动态检测为摄像机直接提供了视频内容分析。
Other features include pre-and post-alarm image buffering, video motion detection, and two-way audio support.其他功能包括前后警报图像缓冲,视频动态侦测和双向音频支持。
It includes video intelligence, including enhanced video motion detection, audio detection, and detection of camera tampering attempts.它包括视频情报,其中包括增强的视频运动检测(VMD),音频检测和检测相机篡改的企图。
Video motion detection is also supported.还支持视频运动检测(VMD)。
Research and Implementation on Algorithm of Video Motion Detection(VMD) in Image Sequences图像序列运动检测算法的研究及其应用