Because knowledge management is still a weak link of management research field, it explains the definition of knowledge management especially at the beginning, in order to make us understand the visual angle of research with characteristics of knowledge management researchers.因为知识管理仍属管理研究领域的薄弱环节,所以论文开头重点阐述了知识管理的定义,使我们了解知识管理研究者们各具特色的研究视角。
The knowledge map is a visual intelligent management tool that can link the subject of knowledge management activity, which is all kinds of information resources with the relations between them to set up a knowledge linking, and forms a dynamic knowledge network.知识地图是一种可视化的智能管理工具,可以将知识管理活动中的主体即各种信息资源及其之间的关系链接起来,从而形成一种动态化的知识网络。
Using the new technologies of the visual information management and software development develops the data integration and information sharing, realizing the self-interaction component-sharing and the knowledge-sharing, and realizing the interactive knowledge management of Shang Lou power station.利用可视化信息综合管理和软件开发新技术,重点开展了数据集成和信息共享,实现了自主互动性组件共享和知识共享,实现了对商洛电网的自主互动性知识化管理。
Under the situation of Windows 98, we realize the knowledge management and fuzzy reasoning of expert system using Visual Basic 6.0 as the developing tool and Microsoft Access as the main database.本文在Windwos98环境下,采用了开发工具VISUALBASIC6.0和Access数据库,并综合利用各种VISUALBASIC6.0与数据库引擎的接口方法实现了专家系统的知识管理和模糊推理。
And set an example to describe the safety evaluation process. Finally, develop the safety evaluation system based on knowledge management of drilling operation with Visual Basic object-oriented language.最后,利用VISUALBASIC面向对象语言,开发了基于知识管理的钻进作业安全评价系统。